Price: $99.00

Join Kelly T. Smith once a month for 3 months for a 2-hour interactive workshop (6
hours total) designed to help you uncover a clear vision for your future by tapping
into your soul essence. Clear out blocks, fears, and resistance, align with clarity and
a deeper understanding of your vision of positive change. Once we have a clear
vision we will put what we have learned to practice, meeting once a month for 3
months to create and align as a group. Participate in deep diving exercises to
access guidance from your soul. Join us at any time and We will send you the
recorded workshop for the sessions you may have missed. Don't worry, if you can't
make the live sessions, all sessions are recorded. Dates are as follows: 1st session
Sunday, January 23rd, Sunday, February 20th & Sunday, March, 13th @ 4 PM PST